Small Bowl #1. Piece #14. Thrown 1/2023. Glazed 4/2023.

Maker's Notes:

  • I wanted to make some candle holders and found this the perfect opportunity to practice making small bowls until I got comfortable and confident with it.
  • I attempted a layering of glaze in hopes that the glazes would interact and create a cool effect: Ironstone on top of Deep Olive speckle
  • I don't think I put enough layers (or didn't let it dry enough in between layers) because I didn't see the effect I would expect; and the base seemed thinner than I wanted. I forgot to photograph this stage :/
  • For a second firing, I applied Deep Olive Speckle on top of the entire outside – since it had already been fired once, I wasn't sure if the glazes would interact and mix or what.
  • It ended up staying quite dark but having more of a tinge of olive on the outside
